Sunday, 11 June 2017

HERTU Investment and Temise Tanzania through Hertu Farms Project has great honor to provide consultation services for establishing SMALL SCALE MUSHROOM FARMING DEMONSTRATION SITE, in Nyarugusu Refugees Camp, Kasulu District, in Kigoma Region.
The project is funded by Church World Services (CWS); a faith base organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster. As a global humanitarian agency, CWS works to improve self-reliance and expand livelihood opportunities of vulnerable men and women in a variety of locations and settings. Since 2015, CWS has served as the lead agency for the ACT Alliance in responding to the emergency needs of Burundian men, women and children seeking protection in Tanzania.
Under refugee and host community livelihood programs (Nyarugusu refugee camp), through REFLECT pilot project, Nutrition and livelihood program; CWS aim to establish a small scale Mushroom Farming Demonstration site.

The following services will provided;
--Construction of mushrooms houses.
--Provide practical hands-on training to project beneficiaries on mushroom cultivation from, substrates    preparation, farm caring and planting, fruiting, harvesting, processing, storing, package and branding, marketing, business development for mushroom, cooking methods, record keeping, and financial management.

 --Entrepreneurial skills, Mentorship and capacity building

The project was established to meet the following objectives;
--To provide hands on training on mushrooms cultivation, providing entrepreneurial skills, Business Development Services, capacity building and mentorship to the beneficiaries 25 Women to start with and expected to reach 120 beneficiaries.
--Introducing the camp and the surrounding community to the pleasures and benefits of eating mushrooms to improve their health and nutrition
--Offer hands-on learning opportunities and inspiring the beneficiaries of the project to engage in mushrooms cultivation to improve economic self-reliance and livelihoods
--To improve self-reliance and expand livelihoods opportunities of vulnerable people in the camp and surrounding community
The expected outcome of the project:
--To improving nutrition and health of the Refugees in a camp and the surrounding community at Kasulu District.
--To improve economic self-reliance and livelihoods of Refugees and the community through mushrooms cultivation.


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